Mob4all organized three events during 2023 to work on the inclusion of students with disabilities
MOB4ALL is a project that seeks to promote the transnational mobility of students with special needs through the capacity building of the different actors who can support these students in the context of international mobility for educational purposes.
Mob4all, the Ulysseus European University’s satellite project for the mobility of students with special needs, has organized three events during this year to work with the different actors who can support these students in the context of international mobility for educational purposes. The final Mob4all event will be held in Seville on September 14 and 15.
Multiplier event in Helsinki.

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences arranged the third MOB4ALL Multiplier Event in Helsinki, Finland on the 4th of May 2023. The Multiplier Event was arranged as part of The Spring Forum for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) 2023, which is one of the main events for the staff and faculty of the Finnish higher education institutions and other stakeholders of education sector.
For the 63 participants present in the Multiplier Event, the MOB4ALL project objectives and deliverables were presented, as well as the main findings from Intellectual Outputs 1, 2 and 3. The participants came from 23 different organizations, such as universities and universities of applied sciences, but also from other organizations, such as Finnish National Agency for Education EduFi, Fulbright Finland, Finnish Institute in Japan, Student Unions/Associations of different universities and technology companies.
The main result of the Multiplier Event was that the participants were able to create lively discussion about the special needs students barriers with regard to student exchange, and present a set of solutions created at MOB4ALL project, to conquer them. Furthermore, the organizers were able to spread the attitude, that when people talk about the special needs students, they should not only see the challenges, but they should give them the chance to participate. After the event, 63 persons within the Finnish Higher Education scene, are now more aware and woke.
Multiplier event in Innsbruck

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® organised the 2nd MOB4ALL Multiplier Event in Innsbruck, Austria and took the opportunity to present the project and discuss the topic of “Inclusion & Higher Education” with two of MCI’s collaborative partners, the Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired Tyrol and Lebenshilfe Tyrol. This allowed for a very engaging dialogue between political decision-makers, disability support associations, academic and non-academic staff, and various stakeholders from the university.
Within the framework of this event, the participants had a varied day listening to the keynote speaker and former Tyrolean State Councillor of Social Affairs and Integration Gabriele Fischer and the presentation of the research project “Social Space Oriented Care of People with Disabilities” by Lukas Kerschbaumer, Head of the Bachelor’s Programme in Nonprofit, Social & Health Management at MCI.
In the subsequent panel discussion, representatives from different institutions along with two former students with disabilities shared their experiences. In the end, the participants engaged in one out of three different interactive workshops to exchange ideas and improve knowledge about the various challenges commonly faced by people with disabilities.
The first event was in Seville

On 31 March 2023, INCOMA organised the first MOB4ALL Multiplier Event in Seville, Spain. The event aimed to present the general objectives of the project and the first two results: the Inclusive Mobility Report and the Specialist Training Course.
Universities and associations supporting people with disabilities were invited to participate in a round table to share significant experiences of inclusive mobility and activities with people with disabilities.
Participants had the chance of hearing testimonies from the University of Sevilla, the University Pablo de Olavide, the Fundación Valentín de Madriaga, the Asociación Pantagruel-Hilo Rojo Teatro, the Fundación SAMU and the Asociación Down Sevilla. The event was well received by participants and was a great opportunity to share inspiring practices, expand the existing network of local stakeholders and disseminate the results of the MOB4ALL project.